Book Recommendations

07.52 Pohon Belimbing 0 Comments

  1. The Purpose Driven Life- Rick Warren
  2. The Gift of Rain - Tan Twan Eng
  3. Haunted - Chuck Palahniuk
  4. The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
  5. Angels and Demons - Dan Brown
  6. Inferno - Dan Brown
  7. The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown
  8. Cat’s Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
  9. To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
  10. Follow Your Heart - Susanna Tamaro
  11. Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
  12. No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai
  13. The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran
  14. Perfume - Patrick Suskind
  15. 1984 - George Orwell
  16. Such, Such Were the Joys - George Orwell
  17. Animal Farm - George Orwell
  18. The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly - Sun-Mi Hwang
  19. Sputnik Sweetheart - Haruki Murakami
  20. Kafka On The Shore - Haruki Murakami
  21. Little Bee - Chris Cleave
  22. Totto-Chan: The Little Girl At The Window - Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
  23. The Witch of Portobello -Paulo Coelho
  24. After Dark - Haruki Murakami
  25. The Doomsday Key - James Rollins
  26. Silence - Shusaku Endo
  27. A Monstrous Regiment of Women - Laurie R King

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